Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Fire the Pretty Girl

If John had just studied for the LSAT, none of this would have happened. He wouldn’t have had to fire the prettiest girl and the scariest bouncer at the bars he managed, wouldn’t have faked his way through business school, wouldn’t have stumbled into a career writing speeches for the CEOs of some of the world’s biggest companies. Chances are, he would have never been arrested on his way to work, faced down that deranged transvestite in New Orleans, or drunkenly told Ross Perot to “take it easy.” But John didn’t study. He winged it, and time and again in this tragicomic romp, he learns that winging it can lead to some pretty awkward adventures.

Funny, revealing, and occasionally heartbreaking, Morton spares nothing—including his own ego—as he guides readers through the vicissitudes and moral quandaries of business life.

Buy on Amazon

My Review:
Honestly I had no idea what this book was about when I requested it from netgalley. My cover-first, blurb-rarely system of requesting books to review is sometimes hit or miss. This book was definitely a hit. John's fun style of writing paired with his unfiltered confessions made for a fun read about his journey from college pub busboy to speechwriter for CEOs. He shows that while there is a good amount of luck involved, the real secret to success is still and always will be talent and hard work. Even if you're not interested in business, this book will ring with you and entertain you for the couple of hours it takes to read.

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