Friday, December 11, 2015

ebook review: author power: profit before you publish

Author Power by Lynn Isenberg reveals case studies and how-to scenarios for authors to empower themselves to generate income and enhance distribution before (and after) publishing. Foreword by SJ Hodges. Special thanks to 

Author Power is packed with invaluable information, stories, road maps, and experiences about how to empower yourself as an author, publisher, marketer, and impresario. The Impresario is like the book conductor who pushes your publishing forward. You must be a passionate impresario (producer who handles finances and pulls everything together) to ensure a profitable book and success story. 

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My Review:

I received this from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This book starts with a glowing forward, followed by what basically reads as a sales page: exciting to read, but little actual information. I did like the graphics and format, which made it quick to read and easy to skim. And though I consider myself a retired writer because of the publishing and self publishing bs, this book made me want to have a manuscript so I could have author power too.

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