Sunday, September 27, 2015

Book Review: Baby Poop

Eat, sleep, and poop. That’s what babies do. Every parent has challenges and questions about these activities and there is an abundance of information on eating and sleeping, but poop? The appearance and behavior of a child’s stools can give more information about the child’s health than any other factor, but we just don’t seem to like to talk about it.
From an award-winning, three-time author—and a mother—Baby Poop brings the hard-to-find facts that equip parents to help their babies be happier and healthier, head off the occasional dire situation, and to optimize their child’s lifelong health. 
Baby Poop is about child health dilemmas faced in industrialized nations. These are distinctly different from the challenges in less developed countries, as most of these challenges are caused directly by modernization. Infectious disease rates are high in many less developed parts of the world, with high infant and child mortality rates—but industrialization, medicine, and money are not the end-all answers to optimal child survival. Baby Poop illuminates how a much larger portion of children in developed nations suffer from colic, reflux, food allergies, asthma, autism, and diabetes than those in the developing world—and how modern practices are encouraging these.
Buy on Amazon

My Review:

While my daughter has cleared the infant stage and we no longer obsess over stools, I still like reading baby books. I can't definitively tell you why, but maybe something to do with the Mommy Forums where it's poop this, spitup that, and pictures of wrinkly, tiny humans all day long.

I admired the author's teacher-like approach, giving us a brief biology and anatomy lesson, then moving on to possible danger signs, when to call your doctor, and why.

What I appreciate is that this book is not just babies and their poop. She goes over various diseases, general health changes for all ages in the u.s, and things like home births, c-sections, and breastfeeding as they relate to GI health in babies.

I would definitely buy this book for any new or anxious mom, or ones like my own mother that believe in research study-based child development.

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